Betty the Easter Bunny has lost the password to the rabbit hole where she stores all of her Easter Eggs, which to her are as close to treasure as it gets!
To remind herself of her password, in case she ever forgot, Betty left herself clues around the village of Street, which when put together reveal her password!
Betty has given us her Treasure Hunt which has a list of questions to answer. All you have to do is fill in the answers and the letters in the red boxes will form the forgotten password!
You can download the Treasure Hunt here:

Once you have revealed the password, head to the Street Library Gardens on Friday 16th April between 11am-1pm where you can give the password to members of the Street Community Support Group to pass on to Betty. As a reward for their time, all children who complete the Treasure Hunt will be presented with a little treat to have for themselves!
Please adhere to social distancing guidelines when visiting the Street Library Gardens and throughout the Treasure Hunt.